yts Watch Fast Times at Ridgemont High [1982] Movie Online HD Quality Free

Robert Romanus / directed by=Amy Heckerling / 1 H, 30 Minute / Country=USA / release year=1982 /

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i love this movie. it has an honesty and an awkwardness that rings true with many people when remembering their teenage years. it doesnt resort to gross out moments like american pie, and it doesnt have the unrealisticness of movies like dazed and confused. the only over the top role is spiccoli, but the movie needs a characeter like spiccoli to balance out the more serious characters like brad and demone. spiccoli rules. so does mr hand, played to perfection by ray walston. there are so many awesome characters in this movie, i truly love them all. br> brad is cool, he reminds me of me when i used to work at a fast food place, unlike me though, he doesnt put up with shit from the customers. also i used to have a major crush on my sisters best friend, so we have that in common as well. spiccoli is cool, he needs no explanation. i recommend you watch the dvd, it tells the huge effort penn went into to get into the spiccoli character, the dvd is awesome BTW, it has one of the best audio commentarries ive heard with director amy heckerling and writer cameron cool insights into the movie!
rat and demone are cool as well, although demone always seemed to old looking for me. when rat chickened out when he and stacey were getting it on, i wanted to scream at the tv, dude! you've done all the hard work, what the hell are you doing. stacey was a hottie as well, JJ leigh did a great job, but the supreme hottie award goes toooo. PHOEBE CATES! OMG, the first time i saw the pool scene i was fourteen and it was the closest thing id seen to porn, needles to say that particular scene has stuck with me since. i dreamt of phoebe for weeks after seeing the movie, and i love her to death, shell always have a spcial place in m heart for movie babes.
overall, this movie s* s on every other teen/young adult comedy (with the exception of animal house and american graffiti for being the grandaddies of the genre. these new teen comedies pale in comparison, you can tell they were written by adults, american pie is a hollow shell next to fast times, cos fast times has a soul, it has heart, it has laughs and drama, and its honest.
from the bottom of my heart, thankyou amy and cameron.

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